Information about cycling 


Information about cycling

Six good reasons for cycling in Potsdam

Cycling ...

... is environmentally friendly.
It is quiet, does not cause any air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions and requires little space. In the light of on-going debates about particle emissions, noise pollution and climate change, cycling offers an environmentally-friendly form of mobility. Among other things, cycling also helps to achieve the reduction in CO2 emissions needed to achieve Potsdam’s climate goals.


... keeps you fit.
Only thirty minutes cycling daily has been shown to be beneficial for your health, in particular for the cardiovascular system. It also helps to keep your weight down, strengthens the immune system, and trains the balance and orientation of children.

... is inexpensive.
Cycling infrastructure is relatively inexpensive, but at the same time there is a rapid return on investment, in the sense that it is used intensively. For cyclists the purchasing and maintenance costs are also affordable in comparison for example to a car.

... reduces traffic congestion.
Some 60 % of journeys in Potsdam are shorter than 5 km, and a bicycle could be used for many of these trips. This reduces traffic congestion, and allows necessary road traffic to flow more smoothly.

... helps to make a city worth living in.
More cycling can make a city a better place to live in, with cleaner air and less noise. This makes Potsdam more attractive both for residents and for visitors.

... is an important factor for business and tourism.
Cycle tourism is becoming increasingly important. With an increasing proportion of day tourists and transregional cycle routes passing through it, Potsdam is in a good position to benefit from this positive development. Cycling tourists spend more than the average tourists, so that cycle tourism can promote the local economy.

City cycling map

As part of the Cycling Strategy for Potsdam, the network of cycling routes is being extended and upgraded. The city cycling map shows all bikeways, possibilities for switching between bicycle and public transport, bike sharing stations, and places where your bicycle can be repaired. The map is on sale at the city service centre.


Bürgerservice der Stadtverwaltung
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79-81
14461 Potsdam
